Hi I'm Quanessa the older sister of two, one which is to your right>>>that's my baby sister :). I AM a mother, daughter, sister and an awesome friend blessed with four gre8t children and two ducks. I enjoy shopping, pinning, diy projects, watching tv, bettering myself, photographing, dancing, web surfing, and being digitally cre8tiv. What you'll find in our house is lots of entertaining that makes our guest laugh, laugh and laughing out loud. lol!

 A silly teenage daughter who likes to entertain people by acting, dancing and being very special at times. Two sons, one who is a wisecracker and the oldest who you have to be specific when you engage in conversation. Last but not least my Lizzy Sunshine who has a loving sweet shine to her, and can be quite a challenge to put up with.

We, well myself as a mother I like to role play with my children which to them they think it's funny but in all seriousness, I am 'Keepin it Real'. Teaching them life lessons and critical thinking is crucial in this world of envolving MADNESS. I AM many things such as an organize person and don't react well when things are out of order. We have an Indian Runner duck (hen...meaning female, for those who don't know and the other is a Mallard, we just found out that its a drake 5.5 months later (drake is a male). I am a lover of all things crafty and a DIY. My passion is photography. I enjoy teaching and talking to my children about life and what it offers when opportunities comes knocking at their door. Before becoming a full time SAHM I was a studio photographer. By life events I am now self employed as a photographer and let me just say,'it's so much better! You can find my other websites in the tabs above. Enjoy our family blog.