
Try Before You Buy...FREEBIES!

I've recently been signing up and enjoy signing up for free product promotion experience...it brings back my teenage days of being a subscriber on my Right On Magazine I would get in the mail. My mom had taught me how to request free catalog orders and samples from product advertising in our subscription of magazines. So now as an adult in the www galaxy lol! I mean you can call it that right' Right On! oh how silly am I. Okay well anyways earth to Quanessa. I recently done a few about a week ago and recieve my first free product in the mail which I will post an image of it and do a product review on each FREE 'TRY BEFORE YOU BUY' sample. Today I signed up for these:

Free Sample of Sundown Natural Gummy Vitamins and a $2 off coupon. Once I did that it said I shall recieve my sample and coupon within 10-12 weeks by mail...let's only hope the coupon don't expires. smh lol!

Always Discreet products 4-6 weeks. Hey I thought this was for women menstrual cycle. Eek! I stopped reading the headline which read: Introducing New Always Discreet. Just for bladder leaks. So okay I stopped at the first headline in order to fill out the form below for my free sample. Do you see the drop down choice sample, ha ha ha yes the last one says Underwear Sample Pack", I was like huh! What are they talking about? So I looked at the picture on the right side of the screen and then fully read the headline, lmbo! So let's just say when I recieve this....lol...I will not be doing a review on this freebie smh.
8/12/14 Two free Breathe Right Extra Clear Strips 1-2weeks to arrive.
 Recieved my sample of Garnier Clean Blackhead Eliminating Scrub